Blogs can be inserted using shortcodes. Blog post lists can be generated from any post category or page list.
[styled_image w="218" align="right" alt="Blog Settings" lightbox="yes" image="3093"] [bullet_list icon="check" indent="1em"]
- Output blog post lists using the "blog" shortcode.
- Specify image size for featured image, or choose no image.
- Set post excerpt length.
- Set number of posts per page.
- Enable paging.
- Configure post details: Title, excerpt, post date, comments link, author link.
- Display posts by selecting categories.
- Display posts by selecting pages or all child pages from a chosen parent.
Blog Setup
Basic Blog Shortcode
[blog category="1, 2, 3"]
Above is an example of a blog shortcode using only the category selector. It does not specify most options, instead relying on the default set in "Settings > Blog Settings".
More Information
[message_box type="note" icon="yes"]A complete list of all shortcode parameters is available on the blog shortcode page.[/message_box]