Blog Layout Samples

A wide variety of post list styles can be achieved through small changes to the default blog settings or to individual blog shortcode instances. Below are examples of some of the styles which can be easily achieved through simple adjustments of shortcode parameters.


Posts Without Images



The following posts show variable image heights. This is achieved by setting the parameter "images=false".

The full shortcode used to generate these posts:

[blog category="1, 2, 3" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" images=false show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="30"]

[blog category="16, 17, 18, 21, 22" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" images=false show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="30" order="ASC"]


Short Images with Only Titles


[blog category="6, 18, 16" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" image_width="449" image_height="125" author_avatar="false" author_link="false" show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="-1" show_date="false" comments_link="false" read_more="-1" orderby="title" order="ASC"]

These posts use a small image height and do not include excerpts or meta details.

The full shortcode used to generate these posts:

[blog category="1, 2, 3" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" image_width="449" image_height="100" author_avatar="false" author_link="false" show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="-1" show_date="false" comments_link="false" read_more="-1"]



Variable Image Height



These posts show variable image heights. This is achieved by setting "image_height=0" in the shortcode. The author avatar image is also excluded from these posts using "author_avatar=false".

The full shortcode used to generate these posts:

[blog category="1, 2, 3" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" image_width="449" image_height="0" author_avatar="false" show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="28"]

[blog category="6, 16" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" image_width="449" image_height="0" author_avatar="false" show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="28" orderby="none" order="DESC"]