Portfolio Shortcodes



Insert a series of images and descriptions using the portfolio shortcode.


[portfolio post_type="page" post_parent="1002" content_width="687" image_ratio="3:2" columns="4" paging=false posts_per_page="4" orderby="rand" order="ASC"]


Portfolio from Categories


[code][portfolio category="7, 8, 9" columns="4" content_width="926" image_ratio="4:3"][/code]



(string) The category ID's to pull portfolio items from. Can be entered as a comma separated list.
(integer) (Optional) The number of columns to create. Default: 3
(integer) (Required) The area available for portfolio columns to display. This is determined by the layout being used and must be entered.

Standard column widths:

  • Full width: 926
  • Half width: 449
  • One third width: 289
  • Two thirds width: 607
  • One fourth width: 210
  • Three fourth width: 687
(string) (Optional) The image ratio for image size. The image width is determined by the number of columns divided by the content area width. Image height is produced as a result of the image ratio. Default ratio is "3:2" (w:h).

Any ratio can be used.
Common ratios:

  • 1:1
  • 2:1
  • 3:2
  • 4:3
  • 16:9
(string) (Optional) Image links to the post/page or lightbox full size image. Values "post", "lightbox". (Default: lightbox)
(string) (Optional) Include the title for the item. "Yes" to include title. Exclude field for no title.
(string) (Optional) Include the excerpt for each item. "Yes" to include excerpt. Exclude field for no excerpt.
(integer) (Optional) The length of the excerpt, number of words to display.
(integer) (Optional) The number of items to display on each page.
(bool) (Optional) Enable paging. (true/false)




Portfolio items from categories with paging and excerpt:

[portfolio category="7, 8, 9" excerpt="yes" paging="true"]


Portfolio Items from Pages


Portfolio items may also be generated from pages using a list of page ID's or the child pages from a parent page ID.


Page Parameters

(string) (Required) Directs the query to use pages instead of posts. Must include the value "page".
(string) The page ID's to include. Can be entered as a comma separated list.
(integer) (Optional) Show child pages of the selected parent. Similar to using a category for posts.




Portfolio items from list of page ID's:
[portfolio post_type="page" page_id="10, 11, 12"]
Portfolio items from child pages from parent page ID:
[portfolio post_type="page" post_parent="9"]

[message_box type="info" icon="yes"]When you create video portfolio items you can specify the video size in the URL. For example, if adding the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7UmUX68KtE&hd=1 you could specify the width and height by entering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7UmUX68KtE&hd=1&width=1280&height=720 [/message_box]