Hello Everyone, I have gotten a lot of great information from the Internet so I thought I would contribute. I will update this blog as my equipment and methods change.I will go over everything from my brewing equipment and process, to growing yeast, fermentation, kegging and bottling and cleaning. If anyone has any requests for […]
This is a quick guide on how to grow up the yeast from the yeast bank to the amounts you require for a brew-day. When you order yeast from the bank you will receive a 5 ml culture of yeast, which you will need to step-up into useable amounts before you brew. Below are descriptions of how to […]
Hi everyone. Just thought I’d share my first ever experience withmaking an all-grain brew. Before now, and because I could strain loosegrains out of my brewpot, I’ve been using the mini-mash style ofbrewing. I would mash in about 3-5kg of base and specialty grains inbags, mash out what I could without sparging, and then fortify […]